
Showing posts from September, 2018


There once was a boy who just wanted to write. He wanted so badly he stayed up at night. Thinking, he thought all the thoughts he could think, And he wanted to write them as fast as a blink. He wrote lots and lots, but never enough, For his writing could never keep up with the stuff. His neurons were quick, but his fingers were not, And his thinker got lost keeping up with his thought. Ideas were all over, but time was too short, And dreamers are not the self-disciplined sort. So he dreamed and he wrote, but the dreams were too large, And soon the poor boy was no longer in charge. For his thoughts flew all over, concocting great tales And stories and worlds full of ships and of sails And of dragons and villains and heroes and love And of danger below and of hope from above. The thoughts and the stories grew faster than flowers. The boy watched in horror as minutes and hours Flew by, with not but a word on the page, And still the ideas fou