
Don’t love unless you’re ready to have your heart broken
That’s what they tell you
Mostly they’re referring to romantic love when they say that, I think
A connection between two people, each desiring the full affection and acceptance and adoration of the other in a mutually exclusive and forever bond but both equally scared that perhaps the other is not all-in and unsure if they themselves are all-in
Those can be messy
And painful
When the other person decides he or she is no longer all-in
And removes himself or herself from your life (in that capacity)
And all that you hoped for and dreamed about is stripped away from you in an instant
And you are left with a hole inside of you
And you wonder if your heart will ever be the same again

That sucks

But it’s not just true in relationships
It is also the case in art
Don’t love something unless you’re willing to have your heart broken

Art is a funny thing
It makes deep connection points in your heart
Sometimes without your conscious knowledge
And when it occupies that special place and it lives up to your expectations
There is a thrill like being in love
Because this thing you have invested in is giving back to you
But when it doesn’t…

That sucks, too

You feel betrayed
And heartbroken
And maybe wished you had never bothered loving it in the first place

Art takes many different forms
You might be what people call a “sports fan”
I am
Sport is a form of art
And when you invest your heart and your time in a team and spend hours reading about it and getting to know its players and cheering for it and readjusting your busy schedule to watch it
And it loses
It hurts
Not only because the art did not meet your expectations and because you connected deeply with the disappointment of the players and of your fellow fans
But also because of the knowledge that there is virtually nothing you can do to affect the outcome of the contest
Your happiness is in the hands or at the feet or coming off the bat of another human being
Beautiful and talented
But flawed as you are
And sometimes, if you care, it will lead to pain
The same caring which allows you to feel the joy of victory inevitably demands that you also suffer the bitterness of defeat
And if you’re in this for the long haul
You will suffer

Or perhaps you despise the sports fan and consume higher forms of art
You know, like Netflix
TV shows
These, too, can provide disappointments and pain
When a character you have invested in and fallen in love with dies for no good reason or the writing takes an inexplicable and unexplainable turn that totally ruins the story and makes no sense
And you push the remaining season or hour or act or book or album away in disgust
Trying to pretend like you don’t care
Acting like the first five seasons or movies or acts or books or albums didn’t mean anything to you
When you know full well that they did
But now you feel stupid
Because the ending didn’t live up to your expectations
And the joy you expected to feel is turned to sorrow and regret instead
Disappointed by the person who created it
Beautiful and talented
But flawed as you are

That sucks, too

And you are left with clenched fists
Angry but with nowhere to turn
Because you cannot change the author’s or the director’s or the writer’s decision anymore than you can will the ball into the goal or over the wall

If you’re a total masochist you might decide to take it a step further
You might dream about playing for your favorite team
Or writing for your favorite show or franchise
Or acting opposite your childhood hero
Or singing with your childhood icon
You may, like Tolkien, desire to “assist in the effoliation and multiple enrichment of creation”
Creating your own stories and memories
Inspiring your own fans
You may, like Keating, desire to “contribute a verse” to the “powerful play” unfolding around you
Seizing the day
And going after your dreams

I have to warn you

That has the potential to suck, too

Because unfortunately, the world doesn’t stop while you create your masterpiece
Sometimes I wish it did
Your favorite tv show doesn’t wait for you to release its next season (not terribly good for ratings)
Your favorite movie franchise doesn’t wait for you to graduate from film school (not terribly good for business)
Your favorite fantasy world doesn’t wait for you to release its next novel (not terribly good for fans)
And while you are fine-tuning your voice or your writing or your swing or your footwork
You have to fight off the constant doubt
That maybe you just aren’t good enough
Or worse
That someone else will come along who does everything you do but better
Who had the same idea but wrote faster
Who had the same jump shot but jumps higher
Who had the same voice but is better-looking
And now what does the world need you for?

When art that you care about lets you down
It hurts
But when art that you want to be a part of lets you down
It hurts more
Because you believe in your heart
That you could have done it better
But nobody cares
And now no one will know about the verse you wanted to contribute
And even if the art is successful
That joy has been stolen from you as well
Because you weren’t a part of it
It wasn’t your story being told
It wasn’t your characters being loved
It wasn’t your dream being fulfilled

That sucks the most

Some may protest
Arguing that this is melodramatic
“It’s not a big deal!” they say
“What a first world problem!” they deride
“Don’t care so much!” they (quite uselessly) admonish
And to a certain extent they are right
If your sports team has the power to depress you
You need to take a break
If your favorite singer has the power to ruin your evening
Then you need to take a step back
If your favorite series has the power to rob you of your joy
Then you have to take responsibility of your own life and realize that no one can make you happy
There is such a thing as being too invested
And there is a time to let go and find a new dream

But don’t you dare tell me that it’s just a game
Or a book
Or a movie
Or a song
The time you spent at the ballpark or hunting or fishing with your dad as a kid was not just time spent in sports
The nights you stayed up reading Harry Potter until three in the morning were not just nights spent in literature
The tears you shed watching The LEGO Movie (or maybe that’s just me) were not tears shed just for cinema
The anthem you listened to every day driving to high school that got you through when you were lonely and depressed and unsure if you wanted to live anymore was not just a song
The content we consume is never just content
The art we appreciate is never just art
Because it is unavoidably and invariably tied to the memories and the experiences and the passions that we have
Good and bad
For art connects us to our hearts
And to other people
Beautiful and talented
But flawed as we are

So be reasonable and responsible
Don’t lose yourself in the art you create
Or the content you consume
Or the passions that you have
There is far more to you that the things you enjoy
The teams you support
And the shows that you watch
Sometimes it’s healthy to step back and disconnect for awhile
But don’t ever feel bad for caring

Like love, art can sometimes discourage us from trying again
If our hearts are broken enough times
We might want to give up on the dream
Or stuff the passion down deep inside
And give up on art
But you can’t
More of you will die in the not caring than it ever did in the caring
So even though the world will not stop for you to finish your masterpiece
You have a responsibility to finish it anyway
Because a world without art is meaningless and empty
“Poetry, beauty, romance, love…these are what we stay alive for”

And while you’re perfecting your swing or composing your song or stalking your prey
Don’t let the successes or failures of others get you down
Pursue art for art’s sake
Pursue beauty for beauty’s sake
Pursue excellence because that is who you are
And if only one person is touched by your art and becomes a better person because of it
Even if that person is you
Then you, through your art, have made the world a little bit better
And no matter what you might feel in your beautiful, talented, flawed, broken heart
I promise

You are not powerless.


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